Dr. Masfique Ahmed Bhuiyan

MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Surgery), Advanced Interventional Endoscopy. Colonoscopy And IRCP Training, Jian Qiao University, China

Advanced Endoscopy Training, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, University Of Kabangson, Malaysia

Laparoscopy And Intervention Endoscopy Surgeon, Surgery Department, Dhaka Medical College Hospital


Hybrid Surgery

Hybrid surgery is a type of advanced surgery that combines conventional surgical techniques with interventional parts.


Ileoscopy is an endoscopic procedure that uses a tiny camera attached to a scope to examine the lower portion of the small intestine (the ileum).

Painless Colonoscopy

Most colonoscopies are easy or painless, with 66% of patients reporting little to no pain.



Endoscopy, also known as gastroscopy, is a medical procedure that allows a doctor to view the inside of the body without major surgery


(ERCP) is a procedure that uses a thin, flexible tube, called an endoscope, to examine the gallbladder, bile duct, and pancreas.

Intervention Endoscopy

Interventional endoscopy is utilized in the treatment of bile duct stones, stenting of the gastrointestinal tract.



A laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that looks inside your stomach or pelvis.

Mini Laparoscopy

Mini-laparoscopy, also known as microlaparoscopy or needlescopy surgery, is a minimally invasive type of laparoscopic surgery.

Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery

Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery that uses instruments with long, narrow tubes to view, cut and remove diseased parts from the colon and rectal areas.

Books of Dr. Masfique Ahmed Bhuiyan

Book Name: Dr. Carl's Colonoscopy insertion method

Hand book of medical Terminology
Dr. Masfique Ahmed Bhuiyan

পলিপ কার্টুন ক্যান্সার প্রতিরোধ করুন

পলিপ ছোট থেকে বড় ধীরে ধীরে ক্যান্সারে পরিণত হয় এবং পরবর্তীতে মৃত্যুর কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়ায় কিভাবে পলিপ ক্যান্সারে রুপান্তরিত হয়, সকল ক্যান্সার পলিপ থেকে হয়। কিন্তু সকল পলিপ ক্যান্সার হয় না ।

সাধারনত পলিপ থেকেই ক্যান্সার হয়-

স্ক্রিনিং কোলনস্কপি এর মাধ্যমে প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে পলিপ সনাক্ত করা যায় এবংবিশেষ সার্জারীর মাধ্যমে তা কেটে ফেলে যায়। আর এভাবেই পলিপকাটার মাধ্যমে ক্যান্সার প্রতিরোধ সম্ভব।

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Video Gallery

Laparoscopy And Intervention Endoscopy Surgeon

Laparoscopy and interventional endoscopy are two minimally invasive surgical techniques performed by specialists to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. These procedures offer quicker recovery, less pain, and smaller scars compared to traditional open surgeries. Below is an overview of these surgical specialties and the work of surgeons in this field.

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